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43251  \  Video Installation \   2020 台北美術獎  ( Taipei Fine Art Museun Version)

溫晉豪《43251》影像裝置計算了2019年臺北地區每年死亡人口數據(共43251人),平均死亡間隔 (12分18秒)「被設定為曲子的長度進行作曲」,數字在樂曲進行時,即開始計算前一年的死亡人口直到結束。在這之中,音樂扮演了一個生死程序,透過歌曲的循環以及對12分18秒的控制,來輪替43251個個體的缺席及出現, 一首曲子的結束等同於一個人生命的告終。溫晉豪用流動影像、即時新聞文字、節奏與旋律, 編制瀕死過程,詮釋從生理失能到感知退化的六階段現象,在「新聞媒體」、「流行娛樂」和 「 死亡的過程 」之間 製造對話 , 儘管在模擬過程中 , 群眾的 「 注意力被進行轉 移 」, 然 而 卻 也 「 同時經驗了發生於他人身上的現實」,音樂和影像此時成為娛樂的附庸,「死亡」以一種媒體及娛 樂的形式,反過來注視觀者。


The video installation, 43251, takes the number of deaths in Taipei in 2019 (a total of 43251 people) and calculates that on average a person died in every 12 minutes and 18 seconds, which is the length set for the music to be composed. When the music is in progress, the number of deaths in the previous year is calculated (starting at 0 and reaching 43251 at the end). Music plays a life-and-death (repeated experience) program that rotates 43251 individuals through the circulation of the song, at the control of 12 minutes and 18 seconds. When the song ends, it also means that a life has come to an end. Ching-Hao Wen uses moving images, real-time news, rhythm and melody to construe the process of dying, interpreting the six stages that take place from losing one’s physiological abilities to perceptual degradation. Dialogues are facilitated by “news media”, “popular music”, and “the process of dying”, and although the attention of the viewers may be diverted during the simulation process, they are, however, experiencing other people’s reality. In this case, music and image become a vassal of entertainment, and through the use of media and entertainment, “death” then turns around to gaze at the audience.


43251  \  Video Installation (Apa Mini Live House Version) \   2020


43251  \  Video Installation (Paper Factory  Version) \   2020


The viewer enters this unfamiliar field to empty himself. They put down their judgments and opinions, and feel happy in the vacuum state of the listening process, consciously letting the image take away consciousness.

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